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Tarry Lapsang Souchong Superior

Tarry Lapsang Souchong Superior

En stock: 195
21.88 Dhs
21.88 Dhs
Nivel de cafeína (mg/1g)

El ahumado, profundo y distintivo Lapsang Souchong es famoso en todo el mundo. Encuentra su origen en China hace varios siglos. Actualmente, los productores de té de Taiwán han perfeccionado el arte de cultivar y procesar el té Lapsang Souchong. Lapsang Souchong a menudo se conoce como "té alquitranado", una textura y sabor muy populares y buscados por los expertos en té.

Nuestro Tarry Lapsang Souchong Superior es una hoja muy aromática, similar a una hoguera humeante; sin embargo, libera una infusión característicamente suave, como un rico té negro, coronada por ligeros toques de pino ahumado distintivos.

Para crear el ahumado refinado, las hojas recién arrancadas se secan sobre un fuego abierto para que se infundan naturalmente antes de cocinarlas en una sartén para ralentizar el proceso de oxidación. Luego, se enrollan individualmente a mano. Después de enrollar, las hojas se presionan y almacenan en barriles de madera, se cubren con telas y se dejan para completar la oxidación. Tras la oxidación, las hojas se enrollan firmemente en tiras y se suspenden en cestas de bambú sobre pino ahumado ardiente, para desarrollar aún más su característico aroma y sabor ahumado.

A pesar de su oxidación completa, Lapsang Souchong permite generalmente dos infusiones, ¡siempre que la primera sea ligera! ¡Disfrute del suave sabor de nuestro Tarry Lapsang Souchong Superior y descubra un clásico suave con un sabor único!

Cómo preparar
una taza de té perfecta
1 cucharada o 1 bolsa
2 - 3 min
Té negro
Andrea Bush
Junio 2021
[EN] This is one of my top favorites, if not most favorite tea. This version is super smoky ! Very much like a Formosa Lapsang. If you like dark, rich powerful flavor. This Lapsang is it. Excellent iced. Much smokier than most Traditional ones. Its called Tarry for a reason ! Not for the faint of heart.
But a great coffee replacement and ive lost a ton of weight drinking this and Puerh tea. Just makes me not hungry. Great energy but no jitters. Best Lapsang Ive had. Be warned though, this one is on fire ! its so smoky. Will be buying THIS one many times. Oh and I got my order 2 days after I placed it on a Monday. ! WOW. So well packed too. Love this company.
Marzo 2021
[EN] I had never tried lapsang souchong before, but heard great things about it.
I personally enjoy teas like Earl grey, and Yerba mate. I tend to drink my teas black, but will sometimes have a bit of oat milk. ( So if you have similar taste buds...keep listening...)

Now my first time trying this tea I must say I was a little put off by the smell. It really smells like a smoekhouse, a campfire, or liquid smoke. Now I am perosnally not a big fan of liquid smoke. I find it is over-used in a lot of vegan cooking and so that is why I was initially put off by the smell. THANK the tea superiors, it does not at all taste like liquid smoke.

This tea is so earthy and warming, and almost bourbon like, but so so smooth. It is the perfect tea to get your creatively flow going, and to feeling cool and refined while doing it.
Personal Favorite
Octubre 2019
[EN] Rounded Deep smoke ,mellow & not sharp ..I.really love adding 1/2 tsp with my tsp of earl grey... like Fortnum and Masons Smokey earl grey which you can only get in England.
Darellynn Oo
Agosto 2023
[EN] I decided to test a bunch of tea from TeaLyra so I ordered a set and brewed them all the same. For our test, 1 full teaspoon of tea was used and all were steeped for 3 minutes in a 50mL teacup. To test how well the smell and taste held up, I also included a second brew during our test.

Smells wonderfully smoky and strong. The taste however was quite weak compared to the smell. I cannot complain because, for a Lapsang Souchong, it is priced quite reasonably. I would pay just for the scent. The scent gets weaker with a second brew, but it is still present. Because the taste is weak to begin with, it does not hold up to a second brew. I would drink this tea regularly if I brewed it strong.

I rated this tea 8/10
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